
When your order is dispatched from the factory to our nearest warehouse, our customer service team will inform you by email and, if there is a balance to pay, you will be asked to pay this amount in order to continue the delivery process. Once your order has been confirmed in our warehouse in your area and within a maximum of 7 working days, for ALL INCLUSIVE deliveries, our fitters will contact you by telephone to agree a date and time for delivery and assembly at your home. This is only valid for Spain and the Balearic Islands.

For metropolitan France, delivery will be made within 10/12 days once the order has been sent. The carrier will contact you to arrange a delivery date with the customer. For other destinations, our customer service will inform you.

Once an appointment has been made, it is the responsibility of the Customer to ensure that the delivery can be made to the address indicated and confirmed to the carrier during the working hours when the transport companies make their deliveries. If the delivery cannot be made on the agreed date due to the

absence of the Customer without a justified reason or due to access difficulties that have not been notified in advance, DECOANKO shall not refund the amounts paid by the Customer and a second delivery shall be paid for. The cost of this second delivery will depend on the order and customer service will inform you of the exact amount.

IMPORTANT: If, for any reason whatsoever, the customer delays the delivery of the order received or stored in our storage area for more than 5 working days, once notified for delivery of the order, DECOANKO reserves the right to charge for the storage of the furniture from the sixth working day. This shall entail an additional cost of EUR 25.00 (incl. VAT) per day, in which case the amount resulting from this storage shall be paid in full prior to delivery of the order.

ALL INCLUSIVE services (valid only in Spain and the Balearic Islands) are available from Monday to Friday. In case of special deliveries (Saturday morning), there will be an additional cost of 150,00 euros that must be paid before delivery. Please note that the special delivery service (Saturday morning) is not available in all areas and must be requested in advance so that we can confirm the possibility.

DECOANKO does not commit to shipping products in advance, as the shipping date ultimately depends on the suppliers and manufacturers. The manufacture of most of the products offered on the website is always to order, the estimated average manufacturing and delivery time is between 45/55 working days for standard size furniture. For special size furniture, it will be 60/70 working days. The delivery time of your order may vary significantly for reasons beyond our control, such as justified delays in manufacturing or transport, as well as any other extraordinary circumstances. If the delivery of your order entails additional costs (customs duties or any other type of costs, provided that they are justified under the regulations in force in your country of residence), these will be borne entirely by the customer.

Responsibility for delivery.

The delivery will be considered to have been made as soon as the product has been placed at the disposal of the customer at the indicated place of delivery. The risks associated with the products (loss, breakage, scratches, shocks or theft) will be transferred to the customer from the moment the product has been made available to him/her, in accordance with the provisions of these general conditions. If the product(s) sent are damaged on delivery, the customer must indicate this on the delivery note of the transport company (and assembly company for Spain and the Balearic Islands) and notify this in writing to: within a maximum of 24 hours, giving a detailed description of what has happened, together with photographic documentation of the damage claimed. If a piece of furniture is replaced, it will be made to the same measurements and finishes as those indicated in your order confirmation. Under no circumstances will we agree to change the measurements and/or finish or repair the furniture on behalf of the customer and at the expense of DECOANKO.

If, at the express request of the Customer, the goods are delivered to third parties, DECOANKO shall not be liable for any damage resulting from this. DECOANKO shall be released from its delivery obligations and shall not be liable in this respect in the following cases

A) In the event of non-payment by the user, in accordance with the provisions of the legislation in force.

B) Omission or inaccuracy of information to be provided by the User in the order form at the time of placing the order.


In the event that the product is not available after the order has been placed, the User will be informed by e-mail of the cancellation of the order. DECOANKO does not guarantee the permanent availability of the products, being exonerated from any type of responsibility as long as it is not caused by a fraudulent breach of duty on the part of DECOANKO, or that it is derived from errors in the unavailability of the service of the telematic data transfer networks beyond its control.


The purchase of products by DECOANKO users is carried out by following the process established for this purpose on the website. By selecting and clicking on the "Finalise purchase" button during the purchase process directly on the website or by receiving the order form by e-mail, the user declares that he/she fully and unreservedly accepts all of these general conditions.

The agreement shall be deemed to have been formalised and completed when DECOANKO receives payment of the stipulated price from the user.

Any quotation sent to the customer is valid for seven calendar days from the date of the quotation. If no payment has been made after this period for confirmation of the order, the quotation will be deemed to be cancelled and any offer made will not be valid.

All contracts that users can conclude through the website are concluded with DECOANKO. The parties expressly agree on a reservation of ownership in favour of DECOANKO, so that the ownership of the product subject to sale shall not pass to the user customer until DECOANKO has received the full amount (as well as the payment of VAT and the applicable shipping costs), reserving for itself until that time the right of ownership over this product and the legal actions that correspond to this reservation of ownership. If a manufacturer informs DECOANKO that the selected order or a product from this order is not available, DECOANKO will inform the user customer of this and will refund the full amount of the order or the part corresponding to the product in question, as well as the corresponding shipping costs, by bank transfer.

DECOANKO will make this refund on the 25th of each month, starting from the date of notification to the user of the unavailability of the product.

Under no circumstances will any rights be generated in favour of the user (compensation, discounts, etc. ....) for this reason. The customer has 48 hours to change his/her mind or cancel the order.

Acceptance of pro forma invoices, by payment of 50% of them, implies full acceptance of the conditions set out therein.

DECOANKO reserves the right not to reimburse the invoice amount if the customer refuses to accept the goods.

DECOANKO undertakes to repair or replace any damage caused during manufacture or handling during transport of the goods, provided that the reason for the damage is justifiable and demonstrable, there will be no reimbursement beyond 24 hours once the delivery has been made and photographs have been provided to us.

The client must indicate this on the delivery note of the transport company and notify it in writing to the email: within a maximum period of 24 hours (MAXIMUM), where they must indicate a detailed description of what happened accompanied by photographic documentation of the claimed damages.

For all custom-made products, if the manufacturer deems it appropriate, a signed acceptance will be requested from the customer, exonerating the manufacturer and DECOANKO from any liability.

The photographs presented on this site have no contractual value.

Depending on the resolution of each screen, there may be differences in the colours of the finishes offered.

The manufacturers we work with on our website reserve the right to make any changes to the products offered, provided that these changes improve the stability and quality of the furniture.

Prices, taxes and shipping costs

All the prices indicated on the website are in euros and include the taxes and levies applicable to Spanish territory, without prejudice to the fact that the purchase of products from another territory may give rise to the application of the corresponding taxes and/or levies.

DECOANKO shall withhold the final amount of the order via the bank details entered by the user on the website.


In accordance with Royal Decree-Law 7/2021, of 27 April. Article 10. Modification of Law 37/1992, of 28 December, on Value Added Tax of the tax regulations in force (only for EU countries), we inform you that the VAT corresponding to your country will be applied, maintaining in any case the price indicated on our website, so that even if on your invoice the amounts corresponding to the taxable base and taxes may be modified, the cost of the product for you will be the same. If you have an intra-community VAT number, this regulation will not apply.

The prices offered and appearing on the product website at the time of placing the corresponding order will be applied to orders placed by the user customer through DECOANKO, unless the latter makes an error. In any case, DECOANKO reserves the right to modify the prices of the products offered at any time, without prejudice to the fact that these will be invoiced at the price in force at the time the order is registered. All information relating to price comparisons, product discounts and/or user discounts are calculated on the basis of the information provided by the manufacturers or, where applicable, on the basis of the prices that DECOANKO has been able to ascertain for these products.

For purchases in the Spanish peninsula and the Balearic Islands, transport costs are included in all our products. The delivery service and assembly at the customer's home are included in most of the items offered. This service includes:

- Transport of the order to the address indicated.

- Delivery of the order to your home, on the floor indicated in the order.

- Removal of packaging.

- Assembly of furniture that requires it.




For purchases in metropolitan France, transport costs are included for all our products. The delivery service to the customer's home is included in most of the items offered. This service includes :

- Transport of the order to the address indicated.

- Delivery of the order to your home, on the floor indicated in the order.

- Removal of packaging.

No assembly abroad. Assembly instructions will usually be supplied with the furniture. The assembly of our furniture is not complicated, but we recommend that you seek professional help.

For purchases with a destination other than Spain and France, please contact us to calculate the transport and delivery costs.

All product data sheets on our website indicate the dimensions of the products, so it is the customer's responsibility to ensure that the dimensions of the desired products will not cause problems with access to your home through doors, corridors, lifts, stairs, etc. You can check the measurements with our customer service department to see if it is possible to get them up the stairs or lift or if it is necessary to use a crane to get them into your home through a window or terrace.

In the event that it is necessary to hire a crane, cut the public road, obtain official permits, etc., the client shall be responsible for carrying out the management of all that is necessary with the corresponding costs and excluding DECOANKO from any type of responsibility in the management and delivery of this order.

For a number of products, the delivery service inside the home and assembly (only from Spain and the Balearic Islands) is not included in the price indicated. These are products that will be delivered to the doorstep. For this service, we use express transport companies and the product is prepared with special packaging, assembly instructions and the small tools necessary for installation. If you would like an ALL INCLUSIVE service, please contact us and we will inform you of the extra cost of this service for the selected item. This is only valid for Spain and the Balearic Islands.

For a number of products, the delivery service in mainland France will be at the door step on the ground floor. If you would like a conventional delivery inside the home, please contact us and we will inform you of the additional cost for this service for the selected item.

For destinations other than Spain and France, please contact our customer service department to find out the cost of transport and delivery.

The delivery staff will not remove any furniture already installed at the customer's premises.

NOTE: For shipments to the Canary Islands, the IGIC tax will be paid by the customer and for shipments to Ceuta and Melilla, the IPSI tax will also be paid by the customer, if you want the ALL INCLUSIVE service for these areas, you must consult the cost of this in the customer service. The prices of the products may vary at any time depending on the pricing policy of DECOANKO. The products purchased will be invoiced at the price in force at the time of purchase.

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