Privacy Policy

1.Scope of application of the personal data protection policy

This privacy policy covers any data processing that may occur when browsing or interacting on any of our websites or social networks where we may have a presence (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.).

It also applies to any internal procedure of DECOANKO HOGAR, S.L. that requires the collection of data, whether on paper forms or any other system.

In each of these media, you can consult information and, in some cases, fill in forms, respond to surveys, enter competitions, make enquiries, send photographs, make comments, etc., and therefore provide us with personal information. All processing is subject to our privacy policy.

2.  Who is responsible for the processing of personal data and what are their contact details?

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation EU 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the protection of personal data and the guarantee of digital rights, we inform you that the personal data you provide will be processed by:


VAT Nº ESB13707781


Phone: +34 960 660 717



3.  Who is the Data Protection Officer?


The Data Protection Officer is the person responsible for protecting the fundamental right to personal data protection at DECOANKO HOGAR, S.L. and is responsible for compliance with data protection regulations. You can contact the Data Protection Officer at the following address:


4.  What personal data are collected and for what purposes?


4.1  We detail the personal data we collect directly from you and the purposes for which we collect it:

Create your account and purchase

-  Data: first name, last name, email address and date of birth. We may also request the following information from the user at the time of purchase: full address and bank,

economic or financial details (credit card details, bank account details and information about your finances), your passport or I.D. number.

-  Purpose and legitimacy: Creation of the user account and completion of the purchase transaction, legitimized by your consent when the account is created and, in the case of registration of a user in the context of an order, the contractual relationship would also apply.

-  Source of data: registration and purchase form.


Payment without creating a user account

-  Data: surname, first name, telephone number, e-mail address, date of birth and full address.

-  Purpose and legitimacy: completion of the purchase transaction without creating a user account, legitimized by the owner's consent.

-  Source of data: registration form.


Newsletter and other commercial information

-  Data: E-mail address or telephone number.

-  Purpose and legitimacy: Sending commercial information by email, SMS, WhatsApp or other applications, legitimized by your consent.

-  Source of data: forms on the website.



-  Data: contact person, country, e-mail, telephone.

-  Purpose and legitimacy: to manage a possible relationship as a supplier, to regulate the relationship with suppliers, legitimized by their consent.

-  Data origin: "Suppliers" section.


Interior design service

-  Data: surname, first name, e-mail address, mobile phone number and full address. We may also request the following data from the user at the time of purchase: bank or financial data (credit card details).

-   Purpose and legitimacy: completion of the purchase transaction and provision of the service, legitimized by your consent.

-  Data source: interior design department.


Other purposes related to the use of the collected data:

-  Sending you promotions and advertisements about products and services that may be of interest to you (newsletter mailing), subject to your express consent.

-  To improve, develop and test our website.

-  To protect the rights, property and/or safety of DECOANKO HOGAR, S.L.


4.2  We detail the personal data you provide to us indirectly, and the purposes for which they are used:

-  Information about how you use our services, the features you use and the actions you take.

-  Information derived from your use of the website in aggregate form in order to implement improvements to the operation of the website and to provide you with recommendations that may be of interest to you.

DECOANKO uses tools to collect users' browsing information (IP address) and to analyze users' profiles, behaviors or preferences and then conduct targeted campaigns based on this data.

In this regard, for the proper functioning of the website, we may use technical and functional cookies to:

-  The correct receipt of technical recommendations, website updates, security alerts and support messages.

-  To improve the services, you can subscribe to by studying your user behavior in order to adapt them to your needs.

-  To improve the services, you can subscribe to by studying your user behavior in order to adapt them to your needs and tastes.

-  Produce reports and statistics, on a disaggregated basis.

-  Research, develop and improve user services or offer new services, features and tools. If you would like detailed information about the cookies we use, you can view our cookie policy here: . Your consent may be revoked at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to the withdrawal.

5.  why do we use your personal data?

Below we explain the legal basis for processing your personal data.

1.   Execution of the contractual and/or pre-contractual relationship: your data is necessary for the execution of the services you have contracted, as well as to manage your purchases, the delivery of your orders and any incidents.

2.   By means of the user's express consent: when registering on our website to make a purchase. Likewise, we will ask for your express consent to collect your personal data in each of the forms and/or sections indicated in the previous clause.

3.   Legitimate interest: to carry out the necessary checks to detect and prevent possible fraud in the register, as well as to process your requests or queries and provide the appropriate service.

4.   Compliance with the obligations imposed by the law.

We remind you that you can revoke your consent at any time at the following address:

5.  Publication of photos or videos on the website or social networks

6.   For the publication of photographs or videos of our employees, customers, users or minors on the website or social networks, as well as for the collection of data for the purpose of carrying out a competition or the processing of any other personal data, we obtain the prior explicit, unquestionable and informed consent of the holder and, in the case of minors under 14 years of age, is granted by the parents or legal guardians. The processing of these photos will be strictly limited to the purpose for which consent was given.


DECOANKO HOGAR, S.L. warns the user that, unless there is a legally constituted representation, no user may use the identity of another person and communicate his or her personal data, so that the user must at all times bear in mind that he or she may only provide personal data that corresponds to his or her own identity and that is adequate, relevant, current, accurate and truthful.

7.  How long do we keep your data?

DECOANKO HOGAR, S.L. keeps your personal data for the time necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected.

In the case of receipt of your CV, your data may be stored for two years for subsequent selection processes.

We may retain certain personal data in order to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations, as well as to administer our rights (for example, to enforce our legal rights) or for statistical or historical purposes.

When we no longer need to use your personal data, it will be deleted from our systems and records or made anonymous.

8.  Who will we disclose your data to?

DECOANKO HOGAR, S.L. will only disclose your data in cases where it is necessary to provide the service and in cases where there is a legal obligation.

It will only be communicated, where necessary for the provision of the service, to:

-  Third parties who assist us in providing IT services, such as website providers, hosting services, maintenance and support services for our databases, software and applications that may contain data about you.

-  Third parties who help us provide digital services and reviews, customer relationship management (CRM), web analytics and search engine services

-  Advertising, marketing, digital media and social media agencies to help us deliver advertising, marketing and campaigns, analyze their effectiveness and manage their contacts and enquiries.

-  Transport and logistics companies

-  Payment service providers.

-  Companies that allow us to make a purchase in instalments.

-  Companies that provide us with technology solutions to manage the affiliate programmed.

-  Group companies

-  Authorized personnel of DECOANKO HOGAR, S.L

-  Third parties for compliance with legal regulations.

In the case of social networks, all the information and content published by the user will be communicated and shared with the rest of the users who consult that social network, due to the very nature of the service.

8.1  International data transfer


Occasionally, some of DECOANKO HOGAR, S.L.'s suppliers may have their servers outside the European Economic Area (EEA).

Therefore, we inform the user that if their data is transferred or stored outside the European Economic Area (EEA), the user will expressly accept the necessary transfer of international data to the international servers of these suppliers of DECOANKO HOGAR, S.L.

The international servers of these suppliers of DECOANKO HOGAR, S.L., whose sole purpose is the storage of data on the servers in order to provide the service.

In any event, all international transfers will be made on the basis of Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC), following an assessment of the circumstances of the transfers and the additional measures we will apply, as well as the safeguards we will require from those suppliers to ensure an adequate level of protection for the data transferred.

If the user has any doubts about the international transfer of their data, they should contact DECOANKO HOGAR, S.L. and we will be happy to provide further information on the matter.

9.  Security measures

DECOANKO HOGAR, S.L. guarantees the confidentiality and privacy of the personal data collected and, consequently, essential security measures have been adopted to prevent alteration, loss, processing or unauthorized access, thus guaranteeing their integrity and security.

These measures ensure data integrity and security.

The user undertakes to make diligent use and not to make his/her user’s name and password available to third parties, and also undertakes to notify DECOANKO HOGAR,

S.L. as soon as possible and, in any case, within two days, of any theft, loss or risk of access by third parties to your user.

10.   What are your rights when you provide us with your personal data?


Any person may withdraw his or her consent at any time, where consent has been given for the processing of his or her data. Under no circumstances shall the withdrawal of this consent condition the execution of the subscription contract or the relations previously established.

You can also exercise the following rights:

-  Request access to or rectification of your personal data if it is inaccurate.

-  Request deletion when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected.

-  Requesting the restriction of their processing in certain circumstances.

-  Request opposition to the processing of your data for reasons relating to your particular situation.

-  Request data portability in cases provided for by the regulation.

-  Other rights recognized by the applicable regulations.

Where and how to request your rights: By writing to the data controller at his postal or e-mail address (, quoting the reference

"Personal data", specifying the right you wish to exercise and about which personal data.

If you believe that we have not processed your personal data in accordance with the regulations, you can contact the Data Protection Officer at:


However, you may at any time file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (


11.   language


This privacy policy is available in several languages, in order to adapt to the language of the different users who may access the website. In case of doubt in the interpretation or contradictions between the versions of the document, the privacy policy in Spanish will always be authoritative for interpretation purposes.


12.   the security of your personal data


In order to guarantee the security of your personal data, we inform you that we have adopted all the technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee the security of the personal data provided against alteration, loss and unauthorized processing or access.


13.   Updating your personal data


In order for us to keep your personal data up to date, it is important that you inform us of any changes to your personal data, otherwise we cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of the data.

We are not responsible for the privacy policy regarding personal data that you may provide to third parties through the links available on our website.


1. social networks

The operation of social networks is not controlled by DECOANKO and, therefore, the information they publish will be shared by all users who consult them. Likewise, these networks allow you to interact with other users and, as a result, you will find below certain premises that you should take into account.

The aim of using social networks is to give visibility and dissemination to the products developed by DECOANKO HOGAR, S.L.


DECOANKO HOGAR, S.L. does not identify with the opinions expressed by other people or the ideology of the profiles with which it is friends on any social network.


DECOANKO HOGAR, S.L. reserves the right to remove from its social networks any information published by others that violates the law, incites others to do so, or contains messages that offend the dignity of persons or institutions. It also reserves the right to block or report the profile of the author of these messages.


The user who interacts on social networks undertakes to:


-  Not to publish information that does not meet the requirements of truthfulness, public interest and respect for the dignity of persons. In particular, the user shall avoid any behavior that may violate the principle of non-discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, religion, ideology or any other personal or social circumstance, as well as privacy, honor and self-image, being ultimately responsible for the truthfulness and legality of the published content.

-  Do not record or publish images, videos or any other type of recording without the consent of the persons concerned.


Recommendations to users for the use of social networks


-  Review and read the social network's terms of use and privacy policy when you register.


-  Find out about the configuration and use of the network.


-  Appropriately set the privacy level of the user's profile on the social network.


-  Do not publish excessive information about your personal and family life.


-  Be careful when posting audiovisual and graphic content on your profile, especially if third party images are to be hosted.


-  Do not offer third party data without their prior consent.

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